What is a FREE Tour? And HOW MUCH should I pay/tip?

[Updated 25 July 2024]

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What is a FREE Tour?

A Free Tour is a tour in which you decide how much you want to pay/tip/leave to the guide at the end of the tour.

You can indeed not pay anything. However, in my 4+ years experience working with free tours, I find that roughly 99%+ of participants of a free tour pay a certain amount.

Why isn't the tour really FREE?

If the tours were 100% or significantly free (as in 50% of people don't pay), then it would be a unsustainable.

I get it, and believe me, intially I really didn't like the name of the "free" tours. At best I found it incorrect, at worst deceptive.

I would personally prefer a name of "donation-based" tours, or "pay-what-you-want" tours. However, the moniker of free tours is the name that stuck.

Also, most people who use the "free" tours, know that the tour is not really free, and they happily leave a fair tip at the end of the tour. (Thank you! 🙏)

I have to admit, that with time, I've also learned to accept and like (!) the name of "Free" 😃. On the Free Walking tours I offer, I don't explain to guests the concept of "Free Tours" anymore, I just inform them that anything they give will be appreciated 😊.

How much should I tip/pay/leave for a Free Tour?

Again, how much you leave is ultimately entirely up to you.

If you're a student, come from a lower-income country, or don't have much money: sure you can leave nothing, or you can leave a small amount like €5 per person. This will be greatly appreciated by the guide!

Otherwise,I would really suggest that you leave at least €10 per person as a tip/payment/donation to the guide.

If you earn more, or you really liked the tour, please also consider giving more than €10 per person; such as €15 per person or €20 per person or even more. This is greatly appreciated by the guide! (Really, this makes our day, and reaffirms our faith in the business model of "Free Tours".)

(In my tours, I really do try my best, more for my own personal sense of professionalism and pride in the job. However, when I do my best, and it's reflected in the tips I get at the end, it's really appreciated. I feel humbled and grateful.)

But what if the guide is getting loads of money from a huge group?

I distinctly remember the very first Free Tour I went on. The guide was enthusiastic, funny, and informative. I really enjoyed the tour! I had a certain amount of tip planned.

Then the end of the tour came and I saw a huge group of people give the guide what seemed to be a large amount of cash. I admit, I lowered the tip amount I gave the guide.

Now after 4+ years experience as a Free Tour guide I look back on that moment and regret lowering that amount. Because I know with experience that that was a "good day" for the guide. But there are definitely "bad days" when there is a very small group, or the tips aren't so great. It's OK, it's part of the game of Free Tours, but the good days make up for the bad days, and I really wish I could go back and tip that guide healthily to show my appreciation for their stellar work.

(Now, when I travel and participate in a Free Tour, I always make sure to tip heavily. Because I know how it is to be on the other side 😊)

Directly rewarding the worker

This is one of the very few scenarios in the world where the worker places their trust in you to show how much you value their efforts.

Again, anything you give will be appreciated 😊

See what Free Walking Tours I offer and more articles by returning to BenGoodTour.com website.