How to get Tickets to the Hypogeum

[Updated 18 June 2024]

Internal shot of the Hypogeum.
Internal shot of the Hypogeum. © xiquinhosilva CC-BY-4.0

It's best to book in advance, months before your trip to Malta. You can book here: Heritage Malta Hypogeum Tickets.

However if you haven't booked in advance and you'd like to go anyway you have another option 👇👇

You can buy the tickets at €50 per person (normally Adult tickets are €35) by going to Fort St Elmo or the Hypogeum itself, and buying tickets for the next day.

So to be clear, you can only buy tickets for that day or the next day - but nothing beyond that. And usually there are no tickets for the same day. So realistically, you can only buy tickets for the day after (the subsequent day).

Also, the Hypogeum opens at 10:00, while Fort St Elmo Ticket Office opens at 09:00. So it's better to visit Fort St Elmo, as in that very first hour all the tickets for the subsequent day might be sold out. (So there might be a situation where you go to the Hypogeum at 10:00 expecting to buy a ticket for the subsequent day, only to find out they've all been sold out at the Fort St Elmo Ticket Office) So your best best is to go to Fort St Elmo at 09:00.

So to recap: Be at Fort St Elmo at 09:00 and buy a ticket for the subsequent day.

Fort St Elmo is found at the very tip of Valletta. (👈 👈 Location)

The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum is found in Paola (Raħal Ġdid)

PS. The Tarxien Temples are very close to the Hypogeum, and worth a visit if you're interested in the Neolithic Temple culture of Malta.

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